Friday, January 6, 2012

2012 A new year!

I love this time of year.  Anything seems possible.  I know it's just another day, another year, but somehow....when the new year arrives, it seems like a fresh start.  My holidays were mixed with good and bad.  Good is that I had a lot of fun things going on, bad is that I caught the flu that was going around, and I'm NEVER sick.  It ruined my ( and my family's Christmas).  I was so ready to put that all behind me.  

What better way to do that than to go on a 9 Day Nutritional Cleanse?  Hubby decided to join me.  We are both feeling sluggish and tired.  We both need to re-energize our bodies!  So, we looked at our calendars and picked the optimum 9 days and today is day 3.  

What I love about day 3 is how accomplished I feel after two straight days of cleansing.  I'm not gonna lie to you, it was tough.  I have had easy cleanse days and hard cleanse days.  After all the holiday indulgences and all the cold medicine I took, I feel like my internal body was all clogged up with impurities and that made this particular cleanse hard.  I was grouchy, tired and hungry.  I was mad every time a commercial came on with food!  I drank tons of water and never actually reached my goal (which is half your body weight in ounces).  And, I am proud to say that I didn't cheat, even a little and's over.  Well at least until next week when I will do it all over again to end the program.  

Drum roll results made the whole thing TOTALLY worth it!  I am now happily drinking my first shake on day 3 and mmmm mmmmm mmmm it's good.  I am down 6 pounds (hallelujah) and 8 inches.  2 of those inches are off my waist (a miracle!).  Hubby is gone right now, so I don't know what his results are so far.  I do know that men do even better on the program than women do....dang it.

I remember 8 years ago before I found the Isa program.  When I would put on a few pounds, I felt like it was such a daunting task to try to get them off. I would start walking (I really just can't jog anymore), exercising and watching my food intake.  But, it was so unrewarding that I rarely stuck with it for long.  And, then I would feel so bad, kind of hopeless.  Getting older can be hard.  But, as I remember, losing weight at any age was always hard for me.  

No matter how tight my clothing got in these past few weeks, I KNEW that I had a way to correct it.  And, FAST.  That knowledge does wonders for me.  I don't have the added stress of wondering what I could do to fix this problem of gained weight.  I HAD a plan.  I just had to DO IT.  Easier said than done of course.  Even with a great plan, I still procrastinated.  I would OF COURSE rather eat fun foods (hey that's what got me in trouble in the first place!).  I can't help it.   I love food and sometimes I just have ZERO will power.

Releasing 6 pounds gives me willpower.  It just makes me want even more.  I plan to start walking on my treadmill today and from there I would like to get back to a full workout regime.  I want to feel that awesome burst of energy that I always get from working out....another thing I am really good at procrastinating at.  But, you heard it here.  I am starting today!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Boo Hoo, Summer's over

I kept thinking that summer would stay if I kept by summer clothes in my closet.  

It didn't work.  Fall arrived on schedule.  So, I pulled out my winter clothes and packed away summer.  Boo Hoo.  

The good news is that my winter clothes fit me the same way that they did last year.  And the year before that.  And the year before that.....Every season I am reminded of the horror of pulling out my clothes from the season before only to find out that nothing fit me.  Ugh.  But, I don't have that happen anymore because of Isagenix.  And, I'm truly grateful.  

Just for the record....I still want new clothes this winter.  If there is a new clothing "fairy", please tell her!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Getting Ready for Summer!

Time flies!  I am so ready for summer to get here.  It's raining today and I am OVER IT!  Each year at Easter, it's my signal to change my wardrobe from Winter to Summer.  Do you do that?  It's a great time to assess my clothing and see what I need for the upcoming season.  Before Isagenix, I used to joke that my clothes shrink every time I packed them away!  He He.  Not anymore.  

Now, I can count on everything from last year fitting me.  But, it doesn't happen without planning.  Winter is a time for staying indoors and for some reason eating more.  There are lots of  "big meal" holidays and the fresh veggies and fruit are just not as plentiful.  So, most of us put on a few winter pounds.  I'm no exception. 

Today I am starting a 9 Day Nutritional Cleanse program.   It's the exact same program that I used to lose my original weight over 7 years ago (ready my skinny story:  I am looking forward to snapping my weight back to where it should be. 

But there is much more that I am looking forward to: increased energy, I love the way food tastes after cleansing, my moods always improve and stress doesn't get to me as much after cleansing.  Isagenix cleansing is not like any other program!  Click on the bottle to see what's in it.

There is NO fasting and while you are releasing impurities from your system, the program also (VERY IMPORTANT) replenishes your body with nutrients that you NEED and may not be getting from your day to day diet.  

Click here to hear to watch "Are you Toxic?", it explains the benefits of Nutritinal Cleansing:

Today is day one.  I am on a "cleanse day". I will have 4 servings of Cleanse for Life as my meals.  I love the way the Cleanse drink tastes.  It's truly refreshing.  I'm not going to say that I won't miss my regular food today, that would be a lie.  But, I am so mentally ready to break some bad eating habits that I have accumulated over the last few months, it's a welcome change.  In just a little more than a week, I'm going to feel like a brand new woman!!  This is something that I am doing for me!  Yay!  I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year New You!

I love this time of year.  It's a time to reflect on the year that has passed and make plans for the year to come.  And, it's a completely fresh start!  Anything is possible.  2011 is like a blank canvas and it's just waiting for us to create it.  I am looking back on 2010 and I cherish so many wonderful things that happened in my life.  When you have your health, you have much to be grateful for.  I have my health and I am beyond grateful.  The end of 2010 found me in the hospital having my gallbladder removed.  This was something that I didn't have any choice in, it had to be done.  

As I saw doctors and had tests and the surgery, there were a few major surprises for me.  Each time I saw someone they were surprised at my age.  I do get that a lot now.  I never used to hear that before the Isagenix program, but I hear it all the time now.  Even the medical people couldn't help but comment.  They were also surprised to find that at the age of 51, I am not on any medication.  Why did they keep asking me this?  I began to EVERYONE on medication at my age?  Really?  Why?  I just don't understand.  When I was in the surgery room the anethesiologist waved my medical folder in front of me and said "this is your medical file"....what? what.  It was just a folder with a piece of paper in it.  He asked me if I realized how big most people's files a "book", he said.  I remember thinking that I was glad that my file was small.  You know, I don't for one second think that any of this is something that I can take credit for.  I feel lucky and blessed for my health.  

But, I also have tried to be mostly healthy for my whole adult life.  I have searched for healthy ways of living all along.  My family had to go through one dietary change after another.  We were vegetarian and even vegan.  We didn't have dairy and our kids did not drink milk.  I exercised off and on, always with good intention.  But, I also love to eat the same junk as anyone else.  I have fallen off the "health" wagon many many times.  But, I always climbed back on.  The best thing I ever found was the Isa genix program.  It is the cornerstone to my healthy living.  

Yesterday I walked in to my surgeons office and they didn't recognize me, which is understandable, I only know them from this surgery.  I told them I was there for my surgery check up.  Then they remembered me, but they seemed surprised at how well I was doing.  I told them I didn't want to jog or run a race, but I was feeling pretty good.  They said that if they hadn't known about the surgery they would not be able to tell.   

Today, it's one week and I feel really close to normal.   Still wouldn't want to run a race or jog...but heck, I wasn't doing those things before the surgery.  I am amazed by modern medicine and what they can do, and I am completely grateful.  And, I have to ask the question, did the Isa genix program help me recover so quickly?  I feel that having that base of good nutrition before the surgery and after, truly contributed to getting me back on my feet so fast.  Funny thing about health.  You really miss it when you don't have it.  But, when you do have it, you don't give it too much thought.  

Now that it's a brand new year, I have a brand new outlook.  I am going to get in to shape and exercise regularly.  That's my plan.  I am going to continue with my daily program of Isa shakes, because I love them so much and they make me feel so great.  I'm going to continue to cleanse my body internally, because I know it does amazing things for me.   And, I am going to endeavor to remind myself to be grateful for every healthy day and not take them for granted!

I wish for you a happy and HEALTHY 2011!

Monday, December 6, 2010

7 Year Anniversary! Woo Hoo!

Wow.  It's been 7 years since my skinny journey began.  I almost can't believe it and yet it feels like a lifetime ago.  I remember how I felt 7 years ago very clearly.  I was 45 years old and I felt tired, old and like my best days were behind me.  Finding the Isa Cleansing Program changed my life and made it so much better.  It felt like I was shedding a weight that was holding me down and keeping me from doing the things that I wanted to do.  Yes, I lost weight, but that is the smallest part of the story.  The BIG part is that cleansing brought me back to life in mind, body and spirit.  Even if I were back to the same weight that I was 7 years ago, I would still be a different person because of this program.  I think differently.  I feel differently.  I'm in my 50's now and I have more energy and vitality than I had 7 years ago.....I'm more myself than ever.  If you haven't read my skinny story click here: 

Here is where I am 7 years later.  I'm not afraid to live my life and do all the things that I want to do. Before Isa, I was reluctant to make friends and get out and do things.  I kept finding more and more interests that were just me by myself.  I think part of that was my age, hitting mid life is hard in so many ways.  But, all of that was over in an instant.  I remember my 3rd day on the program and how I could feel that my thought process in my head had changed.  That constant worry, stress and frustration were gone.  I could think clearly.  It was powerful.  I remember thinking "I always want to feel this way".

I joined a local women's network and today I am the President.  Before, I wouldn't have even considered stepping out to do that!  

I took a music class and ended up in a band!  That was a stretch for me and I am loving it! 

And, best of all, my passion for this program turned in to a business for me with an income that is a true blessing in my life.  

And the weight loss?  Well, that has been an awesome feeling.  I still love food and love to eat.  But, when things get out of control, I have a healthy dependable tool that works every time and it's FOOD!  Not just any food....good food....pure food....yummy food....easy to prepare food....inexpensive that I crave every day!  For the past 7 years, I have started my day with a nutritional shake.  My favorite is chocolate.  Sometimes I add some peanut butter and banana.  It's delicious and makes me feel sooooo ready to take on my day.  And, my business is like having my own health food store (online), with my groceries being delivered right to my door.  And, when you live as rural as I do, that is GREAT!   Shakes, soups, bars, cookies, healthy chocolate, greens, fruits and so much more.  

I still buy food at the grocery store (not as I save a ton of money on that!), and I still like to eat out. But, what I don't have to do is worry about is my weight.  I don't get sick (hardly at all in the past 7 years) and when I do catch something it's not nearly as severe as others seem to experience.  

I love feeling healthy.  I love feeling happy.  I love that I am wearing the same size clothing that I was wearing 7 years ago after my skinny journey.   Life is good.  And, I am gratefulHere's to another 7 years.  

Want to learn more?  Watch the video on the right of my blog: "Are You Toxic?" and email me right away:  I love sharing this awesome program with others.  Coaching people to their best healthy life is very rewarding!  I'm really looking forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Results are in!

Good Morning!  And, yep, it IS a good morning.  I completed my two days of cleansing and I feel fabulous.  Just in case you did not watch the video (it's not too late...just scroll down), here is what a cleanse day is like.  Instead of eating my regular meals, I replaced them with the cleanse drink.  It's not the same as "fasting" at all.  It's more of a meal replacement and all the meals are liquid.  I also drank 75 ounces of water though out the day.  Additionally, I took a natural accelerator capsule, not a stimulant but it does boost your natural metabolism, I ate yummy snacks (these are small chocolate tasting wafers that are like 'mini meals') and I had some "skinny chocolates" that actually also make you happy!  

Okay.  So, it's not really easy.  Not for me anyway.  I had to be mentally strong because I always want to eat.  Somehow, when you make the commitment to give your body a rest and knowing how great you are going to feel afterward, well that does make it easier.  I feel energetic, happy and I slept like a baby last night.  And....I lost 6 pounds on my scale.  I woke up SKINNY!
Okay...that's not me.  I found her on Google (along with some really interesting other  But, that's about how I felt.  Yippee!  

It's like a rubber band that snaps back in to place.  I'm right back where I should be.  My clothes will all feel great and I don't have to worry about finding clothes in a bigger size.  Before Isa, I used to have 4 sizes in my closet all the time.  They just kept getting bigger.  And, the small sizes were taunting me daily.  Which clothes I could fit in to would alter my mood for the day.  But, now.....

I have a way to undo all those crazy choices that I continue to make.  It's on days like this that I am instantly transported back in time to those moments when I felt like I wasn't ever going to be skinny again.  I felt tired old and fat.  And, now, years later, I feel like anything is possible.   It's going to be a great day!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

I fell off the wagon......

It's almost 7 years since I first started Cleansing with the Isa program.  And, during those years, I have fallen off the "wagon" so many times I can't even count.  What I mean by that is those old bad eating habits start creeping back in to my day to day life.  It starts with just a "treat" and that's okay.  Then another "treat" and before I know it "treat" is really just part of my normal day and not at all special.  It's a slippery slope for me and one I have fought with most of my life.  In the past before Isa....I would try to reign it in and eat healthy and get some exercise.  As I got older, this worked less and less and slower and slower.  Then I would feel bad and get down on myself.  And guess what?  I would eat.  And eat.  And, somehow this comforted me.  Imagine that.  Being comforted by the one thing that was causing the discomfort in the first place. 

I lost weight in my 30's and was at the top of my game so to speak.  When the weight started to creep back in I can remember actually thinking that the dryer had shrunk my jeans I really truly believed that!  I often wish I could time travel back to that day and tell myself the truth.  Not sure I would have listened though. 

It's all different now.  Whenever the dryer "shrinks my clothes", he he, I know what it really means.  And, I have a solution that ALWAYS works! 

I can't remember when this last slide started, but I have allowed myself to get in to some pretty bad eating habits.  I can feel it.  I can't believe that I used to "feel" this way all the time before cleansing.   Before I discovered how truly GOOD I could feel, I just didn't know what it would be like.  And right now I can't remember the last time I felt REALLY GOOD...that "CLEANSED" good.  There is nothing like it. 

Yes, my clothes are a little tight.  It's not showing on my scale yet, but I won't let that lull me in to complacency.  I know the signs.  Signs like: my food doesn't taste as good, I'm not feeling that HAPPY 'take on the world' feeling, my sleep is not as good, my energy is not up...these are all signs that tell me that I need to cleanse my body.  Our world is filled with toxicity, it's on the video to the right and see what I mean!  So, cleansing just once won't solve the problem.  It's an ongoing thing. 

Today I will complete a cleanse day.  And, tomorrow I will do the same.  Sometimes I really dread a cleanse day...not because it's hard or because it's uncomfortable...mostly because I LOVE to eat.  And, on a cleanse day, all food is liquid.  The cleanse drink is yummy and I love it.  I drink it straight and mmmmm mmmm good!  I also eat CHOCOLATE on a cleanse day.  So, that's not too bad either...right?  Today, I am actually looking forward to it.  I will feel a sense of accomplishment.  And, I am soooo looking forward to all the great benefits of cleansing....increased energy, better sleep, better moods, more enjoyment of food and of course weight loss! 

Below is a video that tells the whole story.  Is it time for YOU to cleanse??  I would be delighted to coach you and encourage you on your cleansing journey.  Don't wait one me today!