Monday, October 25, 2010

I fell off the wagon......

It's almost 7 years since I first started Cleansing with the Isa program.  And, during those years, I have fallen off the "wagon" so many times I can't even count.  What I mean by that is those old bad eating habits start creeping back in to my day to day life.  It starts with just a "treat" and that's okay.  Then another "treat" and before I know it "treat" is really just part of my normal day and not at all special.  It's a slippery slope for me and one I have fought with most of my life.  In the past before Isa....I would try to reign it in and eat healthy and get some exercise.  As I got older, this worked less and less and slower and slower.  Then I would feel bad and get down on myself.  And guess what?  I would eat.  And eat.  And, somehow this comforted me.  Imagine that.  Being comforted by the one thing that was causing the discomfort in the first place. 

I lost weight in my 30's and was at the top of my game so to speak.  When the weight started to creep back in I can remember actually thinking that the dryer had shrunk my jeans I really truly believed that!  I often wish I could time travel back to that day and tell myself the truth.  Not sure I would have listened though. 

It's all different now.  Whenever the dryer "shrinks my clothes", he he, I know what it really means.  And, I have a solution that ALWAYS works! 

I can't remember when this last slide started, but I have allowed myself to get in to some pretty bad eating habits.  I can feel it.  I can't believe that I used to "feel" this way all the time before cleansing.   Before I discovered how truly GOOD I could feel, I just didn't know what it would be like.  And right now I can't remember the last time I felt REALLY GOOD...that "CLEANSED" good.  There is nothing like it. 

Yes, my clothes are a little tight.  It's not showing on my scale yet, but I won't let that lull me in to complacency.  I know the signs.  Signs like: my food doesn't taste as good, I'm not feeling that HAPPY 'take on the world' feeling, my sleep is not as good, my energy is not up...these are all signs that tell me that I need to cleanse my body.  Our world is filled with toxicity, it's on the video to the right and see what I mean!  So, cleansing just once won't solve the problem.  It's an ongoing thing. 

Today I will complete a cleanse day.  And, tomorrow I will do the same.  Sometimes I really dread a cleanse day...not because it's hard or because it's uncomfortable...mostly because I LOVE to eat.  And, on a cleanse day, all food is liquid.  The cleanse drink is yummy and I love it.  I drink it straight and mmmmm mmmm good!  I also eat CHOCOLATE on a cleanse day.  So, that's not too bad either...right?  Today, I am actually looking forward to it.  I will feel a sense of accomplishment.  And, I am soooo looking forward to all the great benefits of cleansing....increased energy, better sleep, better moods, more enjoyment of food and of course weight loss! 

Below is a video that tells the whole story.  Is it time for YOU to cleanse??  I would be delighted to coach you and encourage you on your cleansing journey.  Don't wait one me today!


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