Monday, April 25, 2011

Getting Ready for Summer!

Time flies!  I am so ready for summer to get here.  It's raining today and I am OVER IT!  Each year at Easter, it's my signal to change my wardrobe from Winter to Summer.  Do you do that?  It's a great time to assess my clothing and see what I need for the upcoming season.  Before Isagenix, I used to joke that my clothes shrink every time I packed them away!  He He.  Not anymore.  

Now, I can count on everything from last year fitting me.  But, it doesn't happen without planning.  Winter is a time for staying indoors and for some reason eating more.  There are lots of  "big meal" holidays and the fresh veggies and fruit are just not as plentiful.  So, most of us put on a few winter pounds.  I'm no exception. 

Today I am starting a 9 Day Nutritional Cleanse program.   It's the exact same program that I used to lose my original weight over 7 years ago (ready my skinny story:  I am looking forward to snapping my weight back to where it should be. 

But there is much more that I am looking forward to: increased energy, I love the way food tastes after cleansing, my moods always improve and stress doesn't get to me as much after cleansing.  Isagenix cleansing is not like any other program!  Click on the bottle to see what's in it.

There is NO fasting and while you are releasing impurities from your system, the program also (VERY IMPORTANT) replenishes your body with nutrients that you NEED and may not be getting from your day to day diet.  

Click here to hear to watch "Are you Toxic?", it explains the benefits of Nutritinal Cleansing:

Today is day one.  I am on a "cleanse day". I will have 4 servings of Cleanse for Life as my meals.  I love the way the Cleanse drink tastes.  It's truly refreshing.  I'm not going to say that I won't miss my regular food today, that would be a lie.  But, I am so mentally ready to break some bad eating habits that I have accumulated over the last few months, it's a welcome change.  In just a little more than a week, I'm going to feel like a brand new woman!!  This is something that I am doing for me!  Yay!  I'll keep you posted.

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