Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year New You!

I love this time of year.  It's a time to reflect on the year that has passed and make plans for the year to come.  And, it's a completely fresh start!  Anything is possible.  2011 is like a blank canvas and it's just waiting for us to create it.  I am looking back on 2010 and I cherish so many wonderful things that happened in my life.  When you have your health, you have much to be grateful for.  I have my health and I am beyond grateful.  The end of 2010 found me in the hospital having my gallbladder removed.  This was something that I didn't have any choice in, it had to be done.  

As I saw doctors and had tests and the surgery, there were a few major surprises for me.  Each time I saw someone they were surprised at my age.  I do get that a lot now.  I never used to hear that before the Isagenix program, but I hear it all the time now.  Even the medical people couldn't help but comment.  They were also surprised to find that at the age of 51, I am not on any medication.  Why did they keep asking me this?  I began to EVERYONE on medication at my age?  Really?  Why?  I just don't understand.  When I was in the surgery room the anethesiologist waved my medical folder in front of me and said "this is your medical file"....what? what.  It was just a folder with a piece of paper in it.  He asked me if I realized how big most people's files a "book", he said.  I remember thinking that I was glad that my file was small.  You know, I don't for one second think that any of this is something that I can take credit for.  I feel lucky and blessed for my health.  

But, I also have tried to be mostly healthy for my whole adult life.  I have searched for healthy ways of living all along.  My family had to go through one dietary change after another.  We were vegetarian and even vegan.  We didn't have dairy and our kids did not drink milk.  I exercised off and on, always with good intention.  But, I also love to eat the same junk as anyone else.  I have fallen off the "health" wagon many many times.  But, I always climbed back on.  The best thing I ever found was the Isa genix program.  It is the cornerstone to my healthy living.  

Yesterday I walked in to my surgeons office and they didn't recognize me, which is understandable, I only know them from this surgery.  I told them I was there for my surgery check up.  Then they remembered me, but they seemed surprised at how well I was doing.  I told them I didn't want to jog or run a race, but I was feeling pretty good.  They said that if they hadn't known about the surgery they would not be able to tell.   

Today, it's one week and I feel really close to normal.   Still wouldn't want to run a race or jog...but heck, I wasn't doing those things before the surgery.  I am amazed by modern medicine and what they can do, and I am completely grateful.  And, I have to ask the question, did the Isa genix program help me recover so quickly?  I feel that having that base of good nutrition before the surgery and after, truly contributed to getting me back on my feet so fast.  Funny thing about health.  You really miss it when you don't have it.  But, when you do have it, you don't give it too much thought.  

Now that it's a brand new year, I have a brand new outlook.  I am going to get in to shape and exercise regularly.  That's my plan.  I am going to continue with my daily program of Isa shakes, because I love them so much and they make me feel so great.  I'm going to continue to cleanse my body internally, because I know it does amazing things for me.   And, I am going to endeavor to remind myself to be grateful for every healthy day and not take them for granted!

I wish for you a happy and HEALTHY 2011!

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