Monday, December 6, 2010

7 Year Anniversary! Woo Hoo!

Wow.  It's been 7 years since my skinny journey began.  I almost can't believe it and yet it feels like a lifetime ago.  I remember how I felt 7 years ago very clearly.  I was 45 years old and I felt tired, old and like my best days were behind me.  Finding the Isa Cleansing Program changed my life and made it so much better.  It felt like I was shedding a weight that was holding me down and keeping me from doing the things that I wanted to do.  Yes, I lost weight, but that is the smallest part of the story.  The BIG part is that cleansing brought me back to life in mind, body and spirit.  Even if I were back to the same weight that I was 7 years ago, I would still be a different person because of this program.  I think differently.  I feel differently.  I'm in my 50's now and I have more energy and vitality than I had 7 years ago.....I'm more myself than ever.  If you haven't read my skinny story click here: 

Here is where I am 7 years later.  I'm not afraid to live my life and do all the things that I want to do. Before Isa, I was reluctant to make friends and get out and do things.  I kept finding more and more interests that were just me by myself.  I think part of that was my age, hitting mid life is hard in so many ways.  But, all of that was over in an instant.  I remember my 3rd day on the program and how I could feel that my thought process in my head had changed.  That constant worry, stress and frustration were gone.  I could think clearly.  It was powerful.  I remember thinking "I always want to feel this way".

I joined a local women's network and today I am the President.  Before, I wouldn't have even considered stepping out to do that!  

I took a music class and ended up in a band!  That was a stretch for me and I am loving it! 

And, best of all, my passion for this program turned in to a business for me with an income that is a true blessing in my life.  

And the weight loss?  Well, that has been an awesome feeling.  I still love food and love to eat.  But, when things get out of control, I have a healthy dependable tool that works every time and it's FOOD!  Not just any food....good food....pure food....yummy food....easy to prepare food....inexpensive that I crave every day!  For the past 7 years, I have started my day with a nutritional shake.  My favorite is chocolate.  Sometimes I add some peanut butter and banana.  It's delicious and makes me feel sooooo ready to take on my day.  And, my business is like having my own health food store (online), with my groceries being delivered right to my door.  And, when you live as rural as I do, that is GREAT!   Shakes, soups, bars, cookies, healthy chocolate, greens, fruits and so much more.  

I still buy food at the grocery store (not as I save a ton of money on that!), and I still like to eat out. But, what I don't have to do is worry about is my weight.  I don't get sick (hardly at all in the past 7 years) and when I do catch something it's not nearly as severe as others seem to experience.  

I love feeling healthy.  I love feeling happy.  I love that I am wearing the same size clothing that I was wearing 7 years ago after my skinny journey.   Life is good.  And, I am gratefulHere's to another 7 years.  

Want to learn more?  Watch the video on the right of my blog: "Are You Toxic?" and email me right away:  I love sharing this awesome program with others.  Coaching people to their best healthy life is very rewarding!  I'm really looking forward to hearing from you.

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